Training Programs

All the training can be customized to your organization’s needs and delivered in the format that you need to be most impactful.

Any other training that is needed for your organization can be developed and delivered by our expert team.

Leadership Training


Leaders set the tone for the entire organization, influencing company culture and driving productivity.

By providing leadership training, you’re not only improving individual employee performance but also fostering a positive and productive workplace culture. Effective leadership leads to improved communication and collaboration, increased employee engagement and retention, and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing business landscape. In other words, investing in leadership training is not only beneficial for your employees but essential for the growth and success of your company.

Investing in leadership development demonstrates to employees that the company values them and their growth. In turn, this can lead to increased productivity and innovation.

Leadership training also helps to prepare individuals for leadership roles within the organization, creating a strong succession plan for future success.

Ultimately, investing in leadership training is crucial for any company looking to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape. These leadership skills provide long-term benefits that extend far beyond any individual leader or team – they help to drive overall business success.

Don’t wait any longer – invest in leadership training and watch your business thrive.

 By utilizing John Maxwell’s training techniques, staff members can learn important skills such as communication, conflict resolution, and team building.

This training is also valuable for individuals who may not be currently in management positions, as it teaches these important skills that can benefit anyone in the workplace. 

Specially formulated based on John Maxwell’s programs
– Real Success
– Developing the leader within you 2.0
– Leadership Gold
– The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership 
– Leadership Assessment
– Growth Impact Report
– Leadershift 
– Developing the Leaders Around you
– No Limits – Blowing the Cap off your capacity

One on One coaching & training
Group Coaching 
Workshops – In person or via Webinars 
Special Customized training for your company


The Leadership Game is a 2 hour interactive experience designed to engage participants in the questions, discussion, debate and idea sharing that help foster belonging, bonding and believing – the essentials for team growth and development.


Engage your best people in being better together:

✔️Improve communication. ✔️Grow relationships.

✔️Increase trust. ✔️Encourage vulnerability.

✔️Connect genuinely. ✔️Share Appreciation

The Leadership Game is a fun, yet challenging experience designed to assist you and your team to better understand the core values and principles of healthy leadership. Playing this game with your most influential leaders will bring about positive change through communication and connection and introduce the timeless principles of the kind of leadership that creates great work-place culture and delivers impactful, positive results.

Leadership Game

Leadership Game - Sales Edition

The Sales Edition of The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game is a great opportunity for sales professionals to gather around the table to learn and grow from one another. Using sales, communication and leadership principles from John Maxwell, a globally recognized leader, this game will challenge players to become more relational and less transactional in their approach to selling. You will come away from the table with a better understanding of how to connect with potential buyers and discover best practices to improve sales results.


In a fun, engaging environment, you will learn new skills and reinforce your current skills to improve your sales performance.


(the new ABC’s). More than anything, selling is about connecting and establishing rapport. With each roll of the die, you’ll learn how to be more effective in your sales approach.


The bottom line is you want to increase your sales results. Play the game and you will learn practical tips and values that can help you maximize every sales opportunity.

Leadership Game - Communication Edition

Communication and teamwork are two of the greatest competitive advantages in the marketplace today. However, in most organizations, these two critical skills are highly undervalued and underdeveloped. In the Communication Edition of The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game, players will learn just how important communication is for effective leadership, productivity, and profitability.


Whether you are giving a presentation, conducting a performance review or simply sharing information among your team, this game will challenge you to become a better communicator.


Connecting is key to great communication. When you play the game, you will learn Maxwell’s tips for connecting with people on every level.


Great communication is key to every conversation. Roll the die and pick up a card to discover how to make the most of every discussion, presentation or meeting.

DISC and Personality Assessments

Personality assessments can be a useful tool for understanding yourself and others. By learning about your personality type, you can gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses and how you might best interact with others.

Personality assessments can also be helpful in the workplace, as they can give you a greater understanding of how you work best with others.

The DISC Personality Assessment is one of the most popular personality assessments used today. It measures four key areas of personality: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.

By understanding your score in each of these areas, you can gain insights into your own personality and how you might best interact with others. 

Personality assessments can be a valuable tool for self-awareness and self-improvement and can help you to understand the people around you better it is for both individuals and organizations to understand themselves and others.

Assessment Reports

Team Impact Report

This report is designed to help you better understand your individual team members, the combined style
of your team, and the collective strengths of your team.

You will find that each member brings unique strengths that may not be strengths for other members of the team.

This report will help you lead your team to reach a greater level of achievement and success by leveraging the incredible value and power within the team.

When each member brings their unique style and strengths to the team, the entire team benefits.

Communication Impact Report & Workshop

The Communication Impact Report will help you discover your style of communication and ways to maximize it. We dig deep into the results of your report and discuss ways to leverage your communication style to improve your ability to connect with and add value to others. 

  • RELATE TO OTHERS in a way that speaks to their communication style.
  • Implement EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES to minimize conflicts, improve morale and build cohesion.
  • Create a ROAD MAP FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION for each of your team members and colleagues

Sales Impact Report & Workshop


Research suggests that the most effective sales people are the ones who truly understand human
behavior and can not only predict behavior, but can modify their own behavior to that of their
buyer. Successful sales people appreciate their own strengths and limitations and quickly assess
the strengths, limits, needs and preferences of their customers. In sales, information is power!

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training is a process through which organizations can promote and develop a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture.

We provide this training through workshops, webinars, group coaching, or other means. DEI training helps organizations identify and address areas of inequality and prejudice while also developing strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion within the workplace.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion training and coaching help companies create an environment where everyone can feel valued, respected, and supported. This type of training can help employees learn how to best work with people from different backgrounds and how to identify and address unconscious bias.

Additionally, diversity, equity, and inclusion training can help organizations develop policies and procedures that are more inclusive of all help of the community. By investing in this type of training, companies can send a strong message that they are committed to creating a more just and equitable world for everyone.

By providing employees with the tools to understand and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, companies can help create a more just and equitable world.


In addition, DEI training can help to attract and retain a more diverse workforce, which can lead to improved organizational outcomes. When done correctly, DEI training can be an invaluable tool for promoting social change.

By investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion training and coaching, companies can make a real difference in the lives of the people they serve.

In the modern workplace, emotional intelligence is often a critical factor in determining success. In the age of constant communication and rapidly-changing technology, emotional intelligence has become an important asset for businesses.  The ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions, as well as those of others, can lead to stronger relationships within a company and with clients.

Emotionally intelligent employees are better able to handle difficult conversations, resolve conflicts, and create thoughtful solutions. It also helps individuals make good decisions and handle stress in challenging situations.

Those with high emotional intelligence often possess qualities such as empathy, self-awareness, adaptability, and emotional resilience – all traits that are crucial for company leaders. Without emotional intelligence, businesses may struggle with communication and teamwork, leading to conflicts and hindering overall productivity. In summary, emotional intelligence is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today’s ever-changing market..

Our training in Emotional Intelligence includes
– What emotional intelligence is and why it matters
– Identify emotional patterns – personal strengths and weaknesses.
–  Effectively manage behaviors that may limit optimal performance.
  Discover how EI can enhance work performance
– Explore EI as a leadership competency.

Emotional Intelligence

Productivity & Time Management

There are a number of ways that employees can increase their productivity, including using task-management tools, setting realistic goals, and taking breaks. Time management training can also be extremely helpful in teaching employees how to prioritize their time and work more efficiently. By implementing these strategies, employees can make a big impact on the success of their company.

We provide the employees with hacks they can use on a daily basis to enhance their productivity levels and we have had great success with it. By teaching employees how to prioritize and plan their work, they can avoid wasting time on tasks that are not essential.

In addition, time management training can help to eliminate wasted time and increase efficiency. As a result, companies that invest in this type of training can see a significant boost in productivity.

Communication and Connection are at the heart of any company.

“Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them,” says leadership expert John Maxell.

The ability to communicate and connect with others is a major determining factor in reaching your and your company’s potential. For your company to be successful, your employees must work with others, with their peers, with their clients, and within teams.

More than 90% of the communictation that we often convey has nothing to do with what we actually say!

Our programs pay emphasis on

  • Employee’s personality types – Using DISC Personality Type
  • Communication with different personality styles
  • Using “Leadership Game” to work effectively within teams
  • Types of Learners & how to communicate with them
  • Finding the common ground
  • Study Communications principles/practices in a group setting, create an action plan, and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plan and goals.
  • Receive critical insights into yourself
  • How to increase your influence in every situation
  • A sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there!
Based on John Maxwell’s 

– Everyone Communicates, but Few Connect
– 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
– Leadership Game 
– Communication Impact Report 
– Developing the Leaders Around you

Communication & Connection

Mind Mapping

Many companies have turned to mind mapping as a way to brainstorm, organize ideas, and plan projects. A mindmap is a visual representation of thoughts and ideas, often in the form of a diagram with a central subject surrounded by related branches. By being able to visually see connections between ideas, mind mapping helps individuals and teams think more creatively and effectively. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Disney have incorporated mind mapping into their work processes, leading to increased productivity and innovative solutions. Whether for individual or team use, mind mapping can be a valuable tool for improving efficiency and encouraging creativity in any company.

It can also be an effective way for companies to track progress and make strategic decisions. In fact, mind mapping has become such a vital tool that it is often incorporated into project management software like Trello and Asana.

For businesses looking to stay ahead in today’s competitive market, mind mapping can be a valuable tool to boost productivity and drive success.

Raj Kapur has been working with Mind Mapping since the early 1990’s and has used it for his clients and taught mind mapping to companies which has enhanced their efficiency. To Raj, mind mapping is one of the most amazing tools out there as this mimics how a brain thinks. 

Incorporating this into your company can become a very valuable asset for the growth of both employees and the company.


Half day or a Full Day Workshop

The idea that money equals success is ingrained in our society, but too often, money management education is lacking in both school and the workplace.

Personal finance often gets disregarded in favor of career development, but nurturing money skills and a wealth mentality can have a significant impact on an employee’s success and productivity.

By investing in money management education for their employees, companies can foster a healthier attitude towards money and cultivate more financially-savvy workers. In a world where money matters, it is important for every employee to understand the principles of wealth and how they can apply them to their own lives.

Understanding money and financial literacy allows employees to make responsible choices with their money, helping them plan for retirement, save for emergencies, and potentially earn more money through investments. Additionally, money management skills can also lead to less stress and better overall mental health. Learning about money and wealth, not only benefits the individual employee, but it indirectly benefits the company as well.

A financially stable worker is a more focused and efficient worker, making them a valuable asset to any company or organization. In short, staffers who understand money and have a wealth mindset are likely to be more productive in their jobs and overall in life.

Our Program on Guidance to Wealth deals with all aspects of money and wealth, starting from developing a Wealth Mindset, Generating more money, saving money, growing money, protecting money, and instilling wealth habits. 

It starts with Mindset and Beliefs, and then we go over techniques & strategies that help create a blueprint of wealth.

Our program has changed the lives of hundreds of employees forever.

Guidance to Wealth Workshop